Remembering Pollyanna Loves Cassandra - 20 years later

I experienced one of my most prolific songwriting stretches. I was in my mid-30’s, enjoying a confluence of skill, passion, and discipline. (Such is common for people at that age. The New-Agers, mystics, and other knowers-of-things call it “Saturn-Returning.”) …The only unusual thing about these songs is that there are 31 of them in the same package.

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The Mediocre Man (Part 1 - #MeToo)

…He said, “Now’s the time you show your stuff. And you know you got a lot of stuff to show!” …Her solo was far from a sizzling show of “her stuff.” She played like she wanted to disappear. After rehearsal, she left before everyone else. And a moment ensued that I will never forget. The bass player said, “Man, you can’t talk to her like that! That’s sexual harrassment.”

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J. Edgar Hoover - Deep Dark Secrets

I’ve written only three “important” songs. What I mean is, in thirty years of songwriting, only three of my precious creative brainchildren might make a person stop and think about something they weren’t already thinking about. …If I can get away with delivering a line like “the burden gets lighter, and the love grows brighter,” it means that my skills are honed.

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A Song About This - Black Lives Matter

The day after Thanksgiving, I released “A Song About This.” It’s the best song I’ve written in years, and I intend to not make a single dime off of it for myself. In the ongoing effort of equality and justice, all BandCamp and digital-streaming proceeds go to the Eugene, Oregon local chapter of the NAACP.)

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